
What's the number 105 mean in Wuyi Rock tea?

TGY = Tie Guanyin = Iron Godness of Mercy, HJG = Huang Jin Gui

Code Tea Name Chinese Name Parents Published Time
105 Huang Guanyin 黄观音 TGY & HJG 1998
204 Jin Guanyin 金观音 TGY & HJG 2000
101 Yue Ming Xiang 悦茗香 TGY 1994
304 Dan Gui 丹桂 Rou Gui 1998
303 Jiu Long Pao 九龙袍 Da Hong Pao 2000
301 Chun Lan 春兰 TGY 2000
305 Rui Xiang 瑞香 HJG 2003
203 Jin Mu Dan 金牡丹 TGY & HJG 2003
402 Huang Mei Gui 黄玫瑰 105 & HJG 2005
210 Zi Mei Gui 紫玫瑰 TGY & HJG 2005
111 Zi Mu Dan 紫牡丹 TGY 2005
212 Jin Mei Gui 金玫瑰 TGY & HJG 1990

If you are connected with Wuyi Rock tea you might hear the code 105 or 305 frequently, these are the local name of tea varietal derived from the Fujian Tea Research Institute. In the process of research, a lot of options there, so a number is offered for each of them and before official published, they offer these new varietals to Wuyi farmers to try and collect feedbacks. As no name yet so the code used instead, even after published for so many years, local farmers are still more familar with these code.

You might noticed many of them come from Tieguanyin and Huang Jin Gui which areh the two most famous teas in Anxi county.

In Wuyi 105 Huang Guanyin is very widely planted, it’s a must have for blending Da Hong Pao.

Kind of strange in Anxi county almost no 105 could be found, instead lots of 204 Jin Guanyin is planted.

Another varietal I love very much is varietal 203 Jin Mu Dan which has charming peach aroma, one more step, it can produce better Oriental Beauty than traditional Qing Xin Da Mao.

These varietals are so different and fascinating.